Connecting education to exceptional patient care.

Instructions to Claim Continuing Interprofessional Education (CIPE) credit hours

Please be reminded to complete the on-line evaluation form.  The planning committee for meeting one and the Committee on the Integration of Academics and Quality (CIAQ) looks forward to learning more about your ideas for future programming.  This is the only way to ensure that we continue to provide programming that is timely and responsive to the needs of our National Initiative VII participants.  

NEW this year – we have collaborated with Baystate Health Continuing Interprofessional Education and are excited to offer continuing education credit hours for physicians, nurses, pharmacists and physician assistants.  Everyone must create a “Visitors” account to access the evaluation form and claim CE credit.  Once you have created an account, you will not need to do this again for upcoming meetings.  

Create Your Account Instructions

To complete the evaluation and claim CE Credit Hours Instructions