Connecting education to exceptional patient care.

Member Benefits

Programs & Events

High-quality programs throughout the year keep you well informed and connect you to peers and to top-notch thought leaders. These include the following:

  • AIAMC Annual Meeting – Our annual three-day spring conference focuses on timely themes, featuring keynotes addresses from renowned experts, as well as plenary sessions, workshops and partner exhibits – all in a setting conducive to learning and engaging with colleagues.
  • Workshops – The annual fall half-day workshop addresses relevant issues specific to independent academic medical centers, while providing opportunities to network with peers.
  • National Initiatives – With the support of AIAMC structured approaches, tools and guidance, resident-led multidisciplinary teams collaborate to develop and implement quality improvement projects aligned to their institutions’ strategic goals. Seventy hospitals and health systems and over 1,500 individuals have participated in the AIAMC National Initiatives since 2007, driving change that has resulted in meaningful and sustainable outcomes improving the quality and safety of patient care. 

Networking and Collaboration

The AIAMC is all about networking and collaboration that makes a real difference in our members’ lives, institutions and communities. The openness, friendliness and size of our organization fosters opportunities for its members to interact with one another in meaningful and beneficial ways:

  • In-person Connections – Meet your peers, Alliance partners, distinguished speakers and other healthcare experts at annual meetings, workshops and through other AIAMC initiatives. These events and activities are invaluable opportunities to expand your contacts, renew acquaintances and participate in activities based on shared interests.
  • Year-round Exchanges – Continue conversations with colleagues you've met at member events, collaborate between National Initiative meetings and share ideas, experiences or concerns throughout the year. Your member directory makes it easy to stay in touch with your AIAMC connections.
  • Facilitated Networking – Facing a challenge unique to an independent academic medical center? AIAMC administration and leadership can help connect you with other Alliance members who have experience with similar issues or initiatives at their institutions. Through facilitated networking, you can gain insights from those who have “been there” or exchange ideas with like-minded members facing similar IAMC challenges.
  • Getting Involved – Expand your network, build valued relationships and increase your visibility through a variety of volunteer opportunities:
    • Annual Meeting Planning Committee – Be part of this group that meets 3 to 4 times via conference call during the summer months to plan the following year’s Annual Meeting.
    • National Initiatives – These 18-month learning collaboratives feature four on-site learning sessions and monthly teleconferences that equip you with the tools to align your GME enterprise with the quality improvement goals of your institution's C-Suite. Click here to see an example of the impact of National Initiative participation.

    • Special Projects – From time to time, we call upon Alliance members to help lead us through a special project, such as reviewing questions on our benchmarking survey or serving in a focus group. This input helps keep us on track by offering programs to our members that are timely and relevant.
    • Board of Directors – Members of the AIAMC Board of Directors serve a maximum of two three-year terms and meet quarterly – twice via conference call and twice on-site at the AIAMC Annual and National Initiative Meetings.

Ongoing Education

Webinars – Educational webinars presented by AIAMC-member colleagues address such topics as supporting scholarly activity in an IAMC, models of measurement, change management, and sustainability of QI projects.


  • Ochsner Journal – Published quarterly, the official journal of the AIAMC provides a wide range of peer-reviewed, timely and practical information. A special issue is published biannually as the Final Proceedings of the AIAMC National Initiative.
  • Alliance Update – Members-only publication sent to your inbox six times per year. This e-newsletter keeps you current on industry developments and AIAMC news, upcoming events and post-event coverage, National Initiative activity, educational programming, and other opportunities for members. Past issues are archived on the website.
  • Email Blast Updates – Members receive regular updates and timely announcements on annual meetings, workshops and educational programming, industry news and announcements, plus membership and sponsor news.
  • Annual Report – Highlights Alliance accomplishments and reports out distinguishing data. Sent electronically and archived on the website.
  • Partner Directory – Company descriptions and contact information for our vendor partners. Distributed at the Annual Meeting and archived on the website.
  • Website – A portal for members to access shared resources.

References and Resources

  • Benchmarking Surveys – Results of these surveys compare operational data for major independent academic medical centers nationally.
  • Job Board – Members can post open positions and search for their next opportunity.
  • Resource Directory – From policies and procedures to job descriptions to curricula, the AIAMC Resource Directory is the go-to source for AIAMC members. Find out how other members have handled an issue you are grappling with and post resources for your colleagues’ use.
  • Online Member Directory – Easily follow-up with members you meet or reach out to others.
  • National Resource Information – Readily access the AIAMC’s partner organizations where you can find additional information and resources to support your interests.
  • Partner Referral Program – AIAMC members who recommend new partners to exhibit at the Annual Meeting will receive a 50% discount off their Annual Meeting registration.

Member Recognition

  • Annual Awards Program – Raise your professional profile and be recognized by your peers for contributing to the advancement of the profession.
    • Ethel Weinberg, MD, Award (annually since 2005) – presented to an individual member who best exemplifies the energy and commitment of our founder.
    • Alliance Innovation Award (annually since 2006) – presented to our institutional member who best exemplifies creative and innovative approaches to medical education and research which result in better patient outcomes.
The AIAMC is the educational community with the resources you’ve been looking for. Join today!