AIAMC National Initiative (NI) VI: Stimulating a Culture of Well-Being in the Clinical Learning Environment launched in 2017 with 34 participating teams from Seattle to Maine (see sidebar). The Initiative is 18 months in length and features four on-site meetings and monthly teleconferences or webinars. Monthly team cohort groups will be structured by themes based on focus areas identified in the applications, with best practices from all teleconference groups shared at the on-site meetings. On-site learning sessions topics include research on well-being; barriers, gaps and stigma encountered in seeking well-being resources; leadership, sustainability and culture required to support well-being; and C-Suite engagement.
Well-being in the clinical learning environment is a function of the individual interacting with his/her environment.[1] It can be addressed through multiple foci for improvement at various levels of the clinical learning environment. The AIAMC strives to allow each NI team to choose an area of focus and level of the clinical learning environment that best supports its hospital’s strategic goals and needs while at the same time providing an organizational framework that ensures collaborative networking. The teams’ preferred areas of foci have determined the following four cohort groupings for NI VI: Institutional Well-Being; GME Across All Programs – Culture and Values; GME Across All Programs – Workload & Job Demands and Control & Flexibility; and GME Across All Programs – Meaning in Work, Work-Life Integration and Social Support & Community at Work.
[1] Shanafelt TD, Noseworthy JH. Executive Leadership and Physician Well-being: Nine Organizational Strategies to Promote Engagement and Reduce Burnout. Mayo Clinic Proceedings 2017.01.31;92(1):129-146). See “Drivers of Burnout and Engagement in Physicians figure.