REGISTRATION OPEN: AIAMC Fall Workshop and National Initiative VI Meeting Three
On-Line registrations for the AIAMC Fall Workshop and National Initiative VI Meeting Three are now being accepted. The Fall Workshop is open to all AIAMC members and non-members and offers a nice option for NI VI participants traveling into Denver on Thursday. Team leaders or their designees are required to attend NI VI Meeting Three, and all team members are encouraged to attend as schedules and budgets allow.
The AIAMC Fall workshop: Simple Wisdom for Health Professionals will be held on Friday, October 12, 2018 from 8:00 am to 11:30 am. Simple Wisdom for Health Professionals, specifically designed by a physician for health professionals, provides an evidence-based education foundation, paired with experiential tools, to support a path to a better physical, mental, emotional and spiritual life. With practical, "how-to" guidance that is easy and rewarding to implement, Simple Wisdom for Health Professionals models how to live any part of your 24-hour day in a more balanced and joyful way. More than a "health and wellness program," this innovative and interactive experience distills the art and science of living well into a unique and productive seminar. We encourage you to take half a day and learn how to take better care of YOU. Both AIAMC members and non-members are welcome to attend.
National Initiative VI Meeting Three, Leadership, Sustainability and Culture: Stimulating Well-Being, will take place October 12-13, 2018 at the Grand Hyatt Denver, Denver Colorado. The program will include experts from our National Advisory Council, nI VI colleagues will speak about a new data concept for scholarly activity and a session on leadership's role in building and sustaining well-being. There will be breakout sessions and monthly cohort groups will meet to review storyboards. There will be plenty of institutional team time and networking as well. Day Two concludes at 12:00 pm allowing attendees ample flight opportunities back home.
Hotel reservations can be made by calling 855-516-1090 or serve online at A block of rooms has been reserved at the special rate of $219.00/night. Please note the deadline for hotel reservations is Thursday, September 13, 2018.
We look forward to seeing many of you in Denver!