Connecting education to exceptional patient care.

Distinction in Diversity Informational Webinar

The AIAMC and The Proximity Project are offering a unique year-long training program for healthcare professionals looking to deepen their JEDI work and build enduring ties with marginalized communities. The Distinction in Diversity program will bring together healthcare professionals from independent academic medical centers across the country for ten two-hour-long monthly virtual training sessions bookended with in-person learning and community-building experiences. To view a brief (12-minute) informational video, visit:  Distinction in Diversity – 12-minute informational webinar

This program is not an isolated, intellectual exercise— leaders connect closely with patients, caregivers, and community leaders whose truth and insights inform participants’ reflections and actions. Distinction in Diversity is for doers, learners, and healthcare professionals seeking to challenge themselves to make a greater impact on justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion.

Distinction in Diversity builds upon the AIAMC’s eighteen-month National Initiative VIII JEDI: Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion and The Proximity Project’s eight-week training program for healthcare leaders.  For more information and to register, please visit