Call for Nominations: AIAMC Board of Directors and Annual Awards Program
Nominations are now being accepted for Board of Director positions beginning April 1, 2019. The deadline for receipt of applications is November 15, 2018. Each member of the AIAMC Board of Directors is committed to the mission and vision* of the organization. The job of the Board of Directors is to advise, govern, oversee and assist with the leadership and general promotion of the AIAMC so as to ensure the organization meets its mission and serves the needs of its members.
Nominations are now also being accepted for the 2019 AIAMC Annual Awards program, with the deadline for receipt of completed applications by November 15, 2018. The Ethel Weinberg, MD Award is presented to an AIAMC individual member who best exemplifies the energy and commitment of our founder. The Alliance Innovation Award is presented to an AIAMC institutional member who best exemplifies creative and innovative approaches to medical education and research.
To serve as a learning organization of independent academic medical centers through the application of innovative education and scholarship that drives exceptional patient care.
To be the leader in achieving exceptional health and well-being outcomes for the communities we serve through medical education and scholarship.