Connecting education to exceptional patient care.


March 21 - March 22, 2025

Friday, March 21st

National Initiative IX Meeting Four Agenda in PDF

Click here for PDF of the agenda 



Lunch (Optional No Cost to Attend- Pre-Registration Required)

Elect new Board members and learn about the latest developments of the AIAMC strategic plan while enjoying lunch with colleagues.  This year, we will also celebrate Match Day and our AIAMC members’ great results!  Finally, “hot topic” discussions will be held at the lunch tables to provide an excellent start to your meeting four networking.  Please note that seating is limited, and pre-registration is required.

1:00- 1:30



1:30 – 1:35

Louisiana Ballroom

Welcome and Opening Remarks

NI IX Co-Chairs Rajiv Gala, MD, FACOG, DIO, Ochsner Health System, and James “JP” Orlando, EdD, Chief GME Officer and DIO, St. Luke’s University Health Network

1:35 – 1:45

Louisiana Ballroom

Personal Story

Melissa Parlade, DO, Family Medicine Physician, Baptist Health South Florida

1:45 – 1:55

Louisiana Ballroom

Cohort Breakout Instructions


1:55 - 4:00

La Fourche
Point Coupee
St. Landry
St. Tammany

Cohort Breakouts: Capstone Presentations




Service Project: HandsOn New Orleans

Optional Event: Pre-Registration Required. The mission of HandsOn New Orleans is to engage, empower, and transform the community through volunteer service. Since 2005, they have engaged with more than 150,000 volunteers and saved the community nearly 30 million dollars through volunteer time and materials. Those who attend will make “sneaky STEM” necklaces that will be donated to local high schools in underserved areas.  Uplifting messages will be strung with beads using Morse code. Be sure to sign up for this event and give back to the New Orleans community!  Letters of confirmed attendance will be provided upon request, which may be particularly attractive for residents seeking serve hours.  Please note that space is limited, and pre-registration is required.



Annual Awards Dinner

All Team Leaders or their designee is required to attend. This event is always a sell-out; plan now to attend and enjoy a most memorable evening. Team Leaders or their designee will be presented with a plaque as we celebrate the conclusion of National Initiative IX by honoring all teams. Please note that seating is limited and that a separate registration fee is required. One representative from each team is required to attend.  The registration fee covers your dinner and one complimentary drink ticket. 

Saturday, March 22nd



Buffet Breakfast; Exhibits Open


Louisiana Ballroom

National Advisory Committee Reactions, Plenary 3 and NI IX Meeting Four Keynote Address

8:00 - 8:15 National Advisory Committee Reactions to final posters

Rajiv Gala, MD, FACOG, DIO, Ochsner Health System

David Henderson, MD, VP for Equity, Diversity, and Belonging, American Medical Association

Lisa Howley, PhD, Senior Director, Transforming Medical Education, Association of American Medical Colleges

Elizabeth Zmuda, DO, Director of Medical Education, OhioHealth Doctors Hospital

8:15- 9:30 Plenary 3 and NI IX Meeting Four Keynote Address

James “JP” Orlando, EdD, Chief GME Officer and DIO, St. Luke’s University Health Network

Deborah F. Grimes, RN, JD, MSHQS, Senior Vice President, Chief Diversity Officer Ochsner Health

Elizabeth Grush, MBA, PMP, Vice President, Health Outcomes 

Eboni Price-Haywood MD, MPH, MMM, FACP, Associate Dean for Health Equity and Public Health, Xavier Ochsner College of Medicine


Parish Hall

Break; Exhibits Open


Louisiana Ballroom


The three highest-rated poster submissions will be presented in a poster slam, i.e., executive summary, format by the following AIAMC members:

Realities of Residency: The Impact of Wellness Check-Ins and Resident Satisfaction

Natasha Bradley, RMHCI, Staff Psychotherapist Intern, AdventHealth Orlando

A Successful Formula for Financing a Centralized GME Research and Scholarly Activity Support Team

Jacob Bidwell, MD, DIO and Vice President, Academic Affairs, Aurora Health Care

Integrating Community Agencies in Residency Education (iCARE) Through the Development of a Community Outreach Curriculum in a Family Medicine Residency Program

Saboria Thomas, MD, MPH, Resident Physician, Family Medicine, Henry Ford Rochester Hospital


Louisiana Ballroom

Staffed Poster Displays, including National Initiative IX Final Posters

All posters will be displayed throughout the entire Annual Meeting and Meeting Four; this session is dedicated to a staffed display.  These include posters that support our Annual Meeting focus areas as well as all National Initiative IX final posters.  Prepare to be impressed by this collective body of work!


Louisiana Ballroom

Plenary 4: Closing Session and Boxed Lunch: Celebration of the AIAMC National Initiatives (NIs) and Announcement of Theme for NI X

Carl Patow, MD, Prior AIAMC Board President and AIAMC National Initiative Founder Kevin Weiss, MD, MPH, Chief Sponsoring Institutions and Clinical Learning Environment Officer, Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)

Elizabeth (Lily) Browning, DO, Assistant Professor of Family Medicine, Baptist University College of Osteopathic Medicine, and National Initiative V Resident Leader

Brian (Alex) Dummett, MD, Associate Program Director, Internal Medicine, Mid-Atlantic Permanente Medical Group, and National Initiative IV Resident Leader

The AIAMC launched its ground-breaking National Initiative in 2007, creating a vibrant platform for improvements in healthcare quality, health equity and patient care. For the final plenary session, we celebrate the achievements of 300 quality improvement projects, 70 participating hospitals and 1,500 residents, faculty, students, administrators, nurses, healthcare leaders and others, who have dedicated their efforts to improving healthcare. Finally, in this session we will announce the theme of the 10th AIAMC National Initiative!